Share your skills and professional experience

We need your help to give our Guests the skills they need to succeed! To help us with any of the opportunities below, please email us at



Mentoring / Tutoring / Workshops

If you would like to lead our WORKSHOPS with our Guests, we welcome motivational speakers & trade professionals to present important issues & lessons on the following topics:

  • Financial Literacy Workshop (aka Money Mondays)
    Mondays: 3pm-5pm
    Banks & Financial Professionals Needed!

  • Social Services Workshop
    Tuesdays: 3pm-5pm
    Social Services Professionals Needed!

  • Health & Hygiene Workshop
    Wednesdays: 3pm-5pm
    Medical Professionals Needed!

  • Job & Employment Issues Workshop
    Thursdays: 3pm-5pm
    HR Professionals Needed!

  • Current Events Discussion Group (aka “Hot Topics”)
    Fridays: 3pm-5pm.
    Advocates Needed!

  • Support Group
    Saturdays: 3pm-5pm
    Motivational Speakers Needed!

  • Spiritual Discussion Group
    Sundays: 3pm-5pm
    Multi-denominational, faith-based Leaders Needed!




Professional haircuts are always needed!!! 

We need your skills to help our Guests look good while they are job hunting. 

We can schedule this on any day it is convenient for you 9am-5pm



Job-Searching Tools

Volunteers are welcome 3pm-5pm on Weekdays to help Guests with vocational issues, interview skills, & job-searching tips.